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Friday, 2 February 2018

ASELP vocoder

The ASELP vocoder is commonly known in the western world as being used in dPMR radios. It was developed in China as a competitor to the very popular AMBE+2 vocoder which is the standard vocoder for DMR, dPMR, and P25 Phase 2.

There is not a lot of information on this vocoder available online, so I have attempted to translate the journal article explaining ASELP from Mandarin Chinese to English. I have translated this with Google translate, some common sense, and some knowledge of radio, but if you think of a better translation for any sentence then let me know and I'll edit it if I agree with you.

Some things didn't translate very well and I have left them to allow readers to interpret the correct meaning, if possible.

If you know Mandarin and English and could help improve the translation then please leave a comment or contact me.

The original document in Mandarin Chinese can be viewed here.

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